By Nick Garracks In an unprecedented display of digital dominance, Felix Epstein Roemer reportedly continues to mog the development team. Sources close to...
ByNick GarracksNovember 20, 2024By Karl Sverre It has not even been one day since Felix Epstein Roemer has been stranded in France, yet it appears that...
ByKarl SverreSeptember 22, 2024By Karl Sverre Following his successful escape from Malta through French borders, Felix Epstein Roemer attempted his next move in a scrappy plan...
ByKarl SverreSeptember 21, 2024By Karl Sverre In a very concerning breach of international security protocols, Felix Epstein Roemer, who had recently been placed on Malta’s no-fly...
ByKarl SverreSeptember 20, 2024By Karl Sverre In an unsettling turn of events that strikes at the heart of investigative journalism, Nick Garracks, our esteemed head news...
ByKarl SverreSeptember 13, 2024In an unprecedented event, a lavish party held last night at a club in an undisclosed location, attended by high-profile celebrities including sprinter...
ByNick GarracksAugust 23, 2024In an unprecedented verdict that has sparked widespread controversy and debate, Felix Epstein Roemer, who faced charges of drug distribution, manslaughter, and other...
ByNick GarracksAugust 18, 2024Felix Epstein Roemer, notorious for his failed online casino Gamdom, has now been unveiled as a central figure in another sinister scandal. Following...
ByNick GarracksAugust 16, 2024Felix Epstein Roemer’s failed online casino, Gamdom, has long been synonymous with controversy, but recent revelations have thrust it into the epicentre of...
ByNick GarracksAugust 13, 2024In a surprising shift within the online gambling world, renowned streamer AyeZee has severed ties with failed online casino Gamdom, signing his newest...
ByNick GarracksAugust 6, 2024